HIU President Kicks Off Ignite Hope Campaign

Posted: December 15, 2013

President Dr. 约翰·德里经常讲述希望国际大学对成长和奴役的持久奉献的故事.  他认为大学使命的本质是点燃希望的火花, leading students toward their callings to serve the community, the nation, and the world.  In keeping with that legacy, at the 2013 Spirit of Hope Gala, Dr. 德里宣布启动“点燃希望”运动,这是一项为期五年、耗资1500万美元的运动.  他强调了HIU校友为社区和世界服务的许多方式,并重申了霍普大学致力于培养下一代服务型领袖的承诺, 强调需要点燃希望运动来履行这一承诺.

“With each new academic year, 我对我们所能达到的成就和发展水平再次感到兴奋,” said Derry.  “我们正准备让胜博发体育app在短短几年前还无法想象的事工和技能领域服务.  The world needs the kind of alumni we produce like never before, and this campaign positions us to meet that need.”

The campaign was sparked to life with two significant contributions.  肯特·安德森是晨星基督教会的一位长老,他慷慨地捐了1美元.5 million gift, 其中包括建立一个100万美元的捐赠基金,以支持太平洋基督教事工学院的教职员工和项目 & Biblical Studies. This donation is the third largest ever received by the University.  亨廷顿海滩第一基督教会慷慨捐赠了100美元,成为教会捐赠的领头羊,000.

“我们的胜博发体育app和校园的需求将永远超过我们的预算, as is the case in almost all higher education institutions, and that’s why a Capital Campaign is necessary,”  said Michael Mulryan, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.  “我们非常感谢肯特·安德森和我们在第一基督教会的朋友们, Huntington Beach, 谁以更高强度的捐赠来响应活动,同时激励其他人也这样做.” 

Mulryan解释说,大学管理人员和董事会通过衡量他们的梦想来看待希望国际大学的成长和发展, plans, and strategies against HIU’s mission.  Every decision to develop a new program, restore a building, 或建立伙伴关系是通过这个问题来过滤的:“这如何帮助我们的胜博发体育app为教会服务,并为基督影响世界。?”  Higher education, methodology, 胜博发体育app们看起来可能不像80年前该机构成立时那样, but HIU’s mission looks exactly the same.

“我们未来的校友将产生的影响取决于他们获得Hopeexperience的机会, which costs money,” Mulryan said. 

The Ignite Hope campaign focuses on three crucial categories of need:  preservation/enhancement/ infrastructure; scholarships; and program development.

Preservation, Enhancement, and Infrastructure $5,000,000

Hope International University will remain on its current, historic campus, 良好的管理要求我们采取措施最大限度地发挥其潜力.  校园是该地区一些最引人注目的后现代建筑的所在地. 校园的翻新将保留富勒顿校园的历史和独特的Googie建筑.  The restoration of the theater is a priority project, along with enhancements to classrooms and the library.  剧院是校园正门的中心,这一建筑瑰宝必须得到保护, 虽然它被升级为提供最先进的技术,预计在一个表演艺术设施.  升级的技术在休和黑兹尔达林图书馆和大学的教室中同样重要.  我们胜博发体育app的学术经历必须使他们具备在一个不仅需要最先进技术的世界中服务的能力, but expected. 

Scholarships  $6,500,000

HIU's mission is centered in the lives of our students, 因此,该活动最重要的部分是奖学金支持.  The University offers about $4.5 million in institutional aid, 大约90%的胜博发体育app必须获得经济援助才能进入HIU.  虽然HIU的经历是私立高等教育中最负担得起的, 很少有胜博发体育app和家长能够在没有经济援助的情况下支付全部费用.  今天进入HIU的胜博发体育app有潜力在尚未想象的职业和部委中脱颖而出, but not without scholarship resources.

Program Development & Endowment Growth  $3,500,000

正如大学提供奖学金资源的能力是至关重要的, 我们实施相关项目的能力也是如此,这些项目将为我们的胜博发体育app做好准备和装备.  As new technologies and market needs emerge, institutions of higher education must create, develop, and adapt.  希望国际大学的品牌代表了基督教信仰与智慧的融合, competence, and service.  这个品牌依赖于HIU在提供课程方面的反应能力,这些课程将教育那些准备以创造性和道德的解决方案在广泛的努力中迎接挑战的领导者.

给点燃希望运动的礼物不仅代表了对希望国际大学胜博发体育app的投资, 也是对奥兰治县每一个胜博发体育app生活的投资, throughout the nation, and the world.   有关点燃希望活动的更多信息或谈论您的参与, please contact Michael Mulryan at [email protected].  

给点燃希望运动的礼物不仅代表了对希望国际大学胜博发体育app的投资, 也是对奥兰治县每一个胜博发体育app生活的投资, throughout the nation, and the world.   有关点燃希望活动的更多信息或谈论您的参与, please contact Michael Mulryan at [email protected].