
Dean, College of 小组chology and Counseling; Professor of 小组chology and Counseling

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  • 小组.D., Marriage and Family Therapy, Alliant International University
  • M.A., Marriage and Family Therapy, Hope International University
  • B.A., Recreation and Leisure Studies, California State University, Long Beach


  • Licensed 小组chologist (PSY 22031)
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 32600)
  • AAMFT  Approved Supervisor
  • CAMFT Certified Supervisor
  • EMDRIA Certified  EMDR Therapist
  • EMDRIA Approved EMDR Consultant
  • EMDRIA Approved Trainer
  • EMDR Institute Facilitator


  • Advances MFT Theories: Structural, Strategic, & 经验
  • Advanced Supervision
  • EMDR Basic Training


  • Servant Leader Award, Hope International University, 2004
  • American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT) - Clinical Member
  • American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists - CA - Educator Collaborative
  • California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) - Clinical Member
  • EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) - Clinical Member
  • EMDR Research Foundation – Executive Director
  • American 小组chological Association (APA)
  • California 小组chological Association (CPA)
  • Delta Kappa, the International Marriage and Family Therapy Honor Society


  • Clinical Training and Supervision
  • Use of EMDR and Trauma
  • Use of simulated clients in clinical training
  • Professional Development


  • 论文: The Use of Simulated Clients in the Training of Marriage and Family Therapists2006年1月
  • 斯蒂尔L. Client Simulation in MFT Training. AAMFT California 新闻letter Winter 2013
  • Innovations in MFT Training In Family Therapy Magazine. Coauthored with Erin Parker, Susan Hastings, and Lisa Wilson, 2011.
  • Core Competencies and Christian Education: An Integrative Approach to Education in Marriage and Family Therapy Programs
    In The ICCTE Journal: A Journal of the International Community of Christians in Teacher Education. Coauthored with Thomas Frederick, 小组.D. 2010. http://icctejournal.org/issues/v5i2/v5i2-frederick-steele/


  • AAMFT Annual Conference, 1995. Poster Presentation: The Use of Simulated Clients in the Training of Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Orange County Social 服务, Essentials of Supervision
  • EMDR Basic Training


I enjoy gardening, traveling, knitting, and spending time with my family.

Verse: Philippians 2: 1-4 Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, 精神团结, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not 仅仅是 look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.