You're Not Alone In Your Loneliness by Robert Pate, Psy.D


When was the last time you felt lonely?  Maybe that time was days, weeks, or months ago. 也许现在就是那个时候. When you think about that time, what images come to mind? 你真的孤单吗?? 周围有人吗?? 你在跟谁说话吗? Does your face match your feeling inside? The feeling of loneliness can come at any time, 白天或晚上, 在拥挤的房间里, 独自在车里, sitting with friends or family in church, 或者其他任何地方. Loneliness affects all of us at some point or another, and these experiences and feelings can lead us away from pursuing connection with others. This is not God"s long-term plan for you, and there are healthy ways to approach healing from the pain of loneliness. 

So how do we move begin to move beyond these feelings? 通过祈祷, 首歌, 圣经阅读, and spiritual retreats we can encounter God on an individual basis. We can be supported by his words and encouraged by his spirit living inside of us. This you have probably heard before, and hopefully you have found some encouragement through following one or more of the above practices. 然而, connecting individually with God is not the only remedy for loneliness that the Bible prescribes. 

While on earth Jesus found it important, 甚至是必要的, 花时间与人相处, 各种各样的人. He met with people from all walks of life during his travels. He taught, listened, forgave, healed, and worshipped. 但是在他任职期间, he kept a close band of brothers at his side to support and encourage him during difficult times. If Jesus, the Son of God, needed to have close connections with people, how much more do you and I?

The apostle Paul teaches (Romans 12) that we are all part of a grand design in which one part may not stand alone and survive. We need each other to be complete as individuals and, more importantly, to fulfill the will of God. 我们被教导要“鼓励”," "contribute to the needs of others," and to "live in harmony with one another." The sheer number of times the early Christians were given a command along with the phrase "one another" should be an indicator of how much God values relationships and sees them as an essential part of a healthy, 功能完备的生活. While God"s love is sufficient to meet our needs, his love can be manifested in people of his choosing.

If you have avoided being with others because you don"t feel you deserve to be with other people, remember that we are all failures, have all disappointed both ourselves and God, have all let down those we care about most, 永远不会完美. If you have avoided being around people because you have been rejected, try spending time with new people who might be encouraging to you, 而不是贬低, and take a look at where there might be something in your life to work on to enhance your connections with others. The Bible does not say that everyone needs to or should like you. On the contrary, God"s servants were frequently rejected by the very people they were serving. But they often had a network of companions to fall back on. 

If you believe your "network" is failing you, it might be time to move on to a new network, but this may not always be the case. Talking to someone you consider safe could be helpful. Exploring your contributions to difficult relationships can be helpful in improving current relationships as well as improving your chances of finding and successfully navigating new relationships. The person you talk to might be a relative, a friend, a pastor, a therapist, or God himself. 然而 you choose to look inward, make sure that there is plenty of room for people in your journey. 神使用人(一些信徒), some outside the faith) throughout scripture to accomplish his mission of reconnecting with his Church. Make sure to let them do their job, and take care to do your part as well. 

Whatever has left you feeling lonely, consider the following as you journey back toward connection and harmony with friends, 所爱的人, 还有那些你还没见到的人:

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing.诗篇68:5-6



1. 你通常感到孤独吗?? 

  • 如果是这样,你知道为什么吗?

2. Would you rather have one or two good friends or multiple casual friends?

3. Who is the closest person to you?

4. Do you feel close and fulfilled in your relationship with God? 


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